Ways to Serve
Looking for a place to serve? We've got you covered! Browse the opportunities below to find one that's right for you.

Fellowship Team
Meals, Funeral Care, Events/Celebrations
Do you enjoy serving meals? Cooking meals for others? Planning events? The Fellowship team has different opportunities for people with the gifts of hospitality and or service to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those inside and outside our church.

6th - 12th Grade Ministry
We have a vibrant youth ministry of students from all walks of life. Our student ministry seeks to invest in the lives youth, showing them the real Jesus and instilling in them Kingdom values to change the world!

New Born - 5th Grade Ministry
Jesus said if anyone would come to me, he must come like a child! This means we have as much to learn from children as they do from us! Children are the future, and we have various opportunities to invest in the lives of littles!

Worship Team
Praise Team Volunteers
This team of passionate worshipers are responsible for leading the church in worship through music during Sunday morning services. If you have a musical gift or want to grow in your ability to play an instrument and or sing, this is the team for you!

Audio/Visual Volunteers
These volunteers work behind the scenes to run the production elements of the Sunday morning service as well as occasional other events. Opportunities range from running sound, to lights, to other various tech things!